Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Diff b/w argument & parameter
Remember the term argument refers to the value that is used to call a function. The variable that receives the value of an argument is called a parameter. In fact, functions that take arguments are called parameterized functions.

Monday, November 30, 2009

My notes of c/c++

dynamik link library
if we use a resource of particular dll than only that dll will load
dll load through .load....???
exe file(executable file)
stand alone
to make it shared we should have to call external classes

> boxing unboxing
type of type casting
if we want to assign chage a value type to pointer this process is known as boxing
and a process to convert pointer type to value type is known as unboxing

> managed and unmanaged code
managed code : we convert our code into msl and then through clr we convert it to executable form
unmanaged code : is depend on processor to processor
and directly convert to assembly lang

> XML low weight lang
not that much good for security purpose
basically used for internet or web based lang

asynchronus ...??
no need to upload full page
how much we need to update only that much we reupload....not full page
in our product we send a req to server through iframes and than it will update that much portion and give us to view thml

>xml parser check perticular tag and than from that fing out class and func name and load that particular dll

pointer and references :
pointer means that particular variable which contains address of other variable
while a refrenve means denote same address through diff name or alias

Monday, August 24, 2009

One night I have seen a very sweet and beautiful place in my eyes....:) I was wonder how a place can be that much beautiful.... but like that place people of that place was also very sweet....:) That night i met a very beautiful girl Diya...:)
